Successful directors create successful companies. This is the finding from a study of 1,000 fresh produce industry businesses.

Industry analysts Plimsoll Publishing conducted the investigation of 2,808 directors within the companies, with the full results published in 'Entrepreneurs Edition 2002'. The report aims to illustrate how the success of a company is related to those who run it.

There were 231 directors who showed particular excellence and have been named the Entrepreneurs of the Year.

Other categories included Long Service Entrepreneur, which applied to 139 directors aged over 65, who have been in their position for at least five years; Fast Track Entrepreneur, awarding 16 directors who have raised sales over a three-year period; Turnaround Entrepreneurs, for 30 directors who have transformed their company's fortunes over a four-year period; and Young Entrepreneurs, awarded to 45 directors aged under 35 who have run successful companies for at least three years.

The winners will be notified on June 11.