Plimsoll has launched a monthly industry-watch service for companies that prefer to keep constant track of trends rather than a six-month or yearly overview.
"Monitoring the fresh produce industry on a monthly basis makes sense as each of the 1,000 companies in the industry could submit new information at any time in the year," said Plimsoll's David Pattison. He estimates that although December is a popular year-end date, usually around 10 per of the industry - or 100 companies on average - submits new accounts each month.
"This constant trickle of updates can have a profound effect on the market during the calendar year," said Pattison. "That is why Plimsoll's monthly monitoring service also re-compiles industry trends, ranking analyses and profiles key movers of the month." Plimsoll gives each individual company update a financial rating of Strong, Good, Mediocre, Caution or danger to alert subscribers to any potential financial risk from the companies they might be doing business with.
"Anybody who has used Companies House or tried to keep up with this kind of information on-line knows the frustrations involved," said Pattison. "Here is a simple method of not just keeping up-to-date, but having the best analysis and presentation of its kind, using our 17 years experience of analysing companies."
Available on CD-ROM, the monthly monitoring service is available for only £75 per month for a 12-month contract. More information on the service or a demo CD-ROM is available from Plimsoll on 01642 626400 or at