The anticipation at the start of a new year is undiminished as we plough headlong into 2012. The madness of Christmas is over, having scurried around the countryside visiting friends and family, and the annual detox has begun in earnest. There is a sense of relief we have got this far into the season without a big freeze and the nights will now start drawing out!

Recent media comments regarding the impact of mild autumn temperatures on UK brassica crops are predictable and aside from the desire for dramatic headlines, highlight the issues suffered by growers for aeons where crops are grown outdoors on this island of ours in a climate which is, and has always been, so unpredictable. With a working knowledge of this particular area of the industry going back longer than I would care to admit, I would suggest that this is not news - we have suffered the same problems for years and I suspect that regardless of the climate change fraternity trying to predict the unpredictable, we will continue to experience adverse weather patterns outside of our control, which is frankly all part of the challenge of world farming.

Looking back over the last 12 months and reflecting on our considerable achievements for the industry, I am greatly encouraged by the record number of new members we welcomed to the FPC in 2011. It is important to note that we are a completely independent trade association owned by members and it is in this capacity that we have forged ahead and taken a stand in recent months ahead of some of the well-known levy bodies. We have consolidated our close relationship with the likes of the FSA and FERA to ensure we are included in consultations and proposed legislative changes at the outset.

Our 2011 ‘out and about’ schedule gained momentum as we visited as many of you as possible and included a dash to Swords and Dublin one Friday to meet with longstanding members Fyffes and Total Produce to discuss our ongoing working initiatives.

Looking ahead you can be assured that in the coming weeks and months, the FPC will renew its efforts. We will use our significant profile and expertise to raise issues on your behalf, to challenge injustices and lobby government. We will create meaningful networking forums and provide opportunities for trade. We look forward to visiting more of you and to working with you to achieve increased success for your business.

Our Annual Dinner at the Savoy is weeks away and we are delighted that our guest of honour is HE Liu Xiaoming, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the UK. We have a spectacular programme lined up with specially designed cocktails, fine dining, Chinese dragons and lions providing the perfect backdrop for you to entertain your guests at a seriously competitive ticket price. There is still time to book.

Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year and we look forward to working with you in 2012! -
