We obviously pay pretty close attention to the stories that most grab the attention of you, our readers, when they appear on freshinfo. We don’t employ hundreds of analysts and treat it like priceless Clubcard data admittedly, but if we could, we would. Probably.
Anyway, articles about PEACH and plant health appear to come way down your priority list, which to be frank, surprises me. Far be it from me to decry your choice of reading matter, but it has always struck me as strange that when words such as “catastrophe” and “grave concerns” are attached to an issue that could upset the very fabric of the industry, people continue to ignore it in their droves.
If Defra cannot deliver on its shaky promises, every importer faces mounting costs, massive delays at ports, and their retail customers could be looking at their worst nightmare - empty shelves. We all know who pays for that, but it seems most of the industry is either oblivious to the monster lurking around the corner, or would prefer not to unleash the devil in the detail.
Times are hard enough, without the government jeopardising what’s left of the supply chain’s profit margins with yet another show of gross incompetence, bordering on negligence.
Maybe it’s the term plant health we need to change. It isn’t sexy and it shouts ‘plants’. What it doesn’t shout is a healthy future for the trade.