Pipfruit New Zealand is urging all growers to have a say in the future direction of their industry at a special general meeting in Hastings tomorrow.
Growers supported uniting their industry and opening membership to the Post Harvest sector in principle at PNZ’s annual general meeting in late January.
Pipfruit New Zealand chairman Phil Alison said although the voter turnout was high, growers wanted more information, time and changes to the proposal.
“Growers indicated their total support in the need to continue to consult and to develop a new proposal for the consideration of members,” he said.
“It was a case of growers wanting more information and time to look at the positive and negatives of opening up Pipfruit New Zealand membership to post harvest.
“Growers are now in a better situation to make an informed decision on uniting the industry,” Mr Alison said.
Since July 2002 discussions have been underway on extending the membership of PGNZI to encompass the post-harvest participants.
“We have always appreciated that post-harvest operators have a major impact on grower returns, so it is important that they are involved, yet at what level was difficult to agree on,” he said.
Since January, grower meetings in Hawke’s Bay and Nelson and other regions along with input from a significant number of growers and supplier groups have helped further develop and build on the initial proposal.
“We have also spent more time addressing and recognising the concerns of minor regions on representational communication issues.
All growers have been sent a paper outlining the latest proposal and the amendments.
Particular points to note are:
Grower member Influence
• A greater emphasis has been placed on the influence to which grower members are entitled through their primary funding of the Society.
• The board is now proposed to be four grower directors and three post-harvest directors.
• Only grower members can vote for rule changes.
• Special reporting requirements to encourage open reporting to growers on investments in associated companies, such as the proposed variety breeding programme.
Membership groups
• There are only two major membership groups - growers and post-harvest
Voting rights
• Grower voting rights are production weighted on all matters
• Post-harvest is based on packed output with voting only on director appointments.