Maria José Sevilla

Picota continues to push for premium

Picota cherry producers are struggling to translate their premium aspirations onto retailers shelves.

UK retailers, in general, are including Picota in their economy ranges, flying in the face of the Spanish industry’s ambitions to see the fruit sold as a premium product.

Maria José Sevilla, director of Foods From Spain, said the main stumbling block is the fruit’s size, which, when compared to other cherries on the market, has a different profile.

“Picota is slightly smaller than the other fruit, particularly cherries from the US, but the two can’t be compared. They are completely different products.”

She said there is no doubting the cherry’s quality, which is well recognised by consumers and retailers. And she is hoping this year that will be reflected in how the fruit is marketed. But in Sainsbury’s for instance, its Basic offer is on class II fruit, and there is no sign of any other offer on Picota cherries.

Sevilla said Foods from Spain is going to continue to promote the fruit to the trade, and gain that premium position: “The market recognises the quality and we just have to continue to push, push, push to get it in the right position.”
