Pick up a greener salad

‘Fresh to go’ salad bar customers at Morrisons are now filling their salad into packs that have been developed in Sharpak’s unique and environmentally friendly grade of R-Apet.

With its hinged ‘salad bar’ packs, Sharpak has created revolutionary new fresh produce packaging in its R-Apet material for Morrison’s supermarkets. With more than 60 per cent recycled material taken from post-consumer food-use approved bottles, the R-Apet material is also recyclable and can be further reprocessed into other plastic packs.

“These new ‘fresh to go’ salad bar packs are a quantum leap forward in our vision of a recyclable future - the investment from Sharp Interpack demonstrates its understanding of our needs and those of our customers,” said a spokesperson for Morrisons. “It is another example of its absolute commitment to the environment and we look forward to cementing our relationship and to the realisation of our vision of a waste-free environment.”

Sharpak strives to reduce its carbon footprint and the impact packaging has on the environment. The company is working hard on material alternatives and is working towards a time when all packaging material is recyclable. In seeking to clarify the confusion that continues to exist amongst the public concerning the recycling of plastics Sharpak is setting the agenda.

All ‘Fresh to go’ salad packs will carry the engraved wording: “This packaging is made from recyclable material. To find out about re-cycling in your area visit www.recyclable.com.”

Sharpak is lobbying for a more responsible industry and a cleaner, safer environment. It is determined to set the agenda in all environmental issues and is working towards the day when all waste is sensibly and economically recycled. Sharpak is also supporting the government’s Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP).