Florida oranges could be set to be included in the EU system of protected geographic status.

The European Union has announced it is looking forward to including Florida oranges and other US products into the system, following a World Trade Organisation ruling on the issue.

A spokesman for the European Commission said: “Europe’s system of protecting geographic names does not prevent access for products from other countries.

“We’re looking forward to registering names from other countries, not least the US.”

The announcement followed a WTO ruling, following US and Australian complaints against the EU Protected Geographical Indication system, which upheld the system on the basis countries outside the EU could apply for similar protection.

The spokesman said: “We do not see in the conclusions of the (WTO) panel any questioning of the European system of protection for geographical names, on the contrary.”

However, the US has claimed the ruling as a victory. Robert Zoellick, US trade representative, said: “This is a big win for American farmers and food processors. We brought the case as we believed other food producers should have the same access to protection for ‘geographical indications’ as European producers.