A new petition is calling on ministers to lead a campaign to do more to help kids buy and eat fresh produce instead of sugary drinks.
The petition, listed on the change.org website, was started by recruiter Max MacGillivray's Great Fruit Adventure project, which will visit farms across Africa and aims to raise awareness of healthy eating. The petition is due to be delivered to food and agriculture minister George Eustice.
It points out that an estimated 5.2 million deaths worldwide were attributable to inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption in 2013 alone [World Health Organisation]. It also highlights the £5 billion cost of obesity to the NHS, the underperformance against the 5 A Day target and the growing impact of diabetes.
'With ongoing childhood obesity and health issues globally, combined with more food businesses looking to sell high-margin sugary drinks and snack products to an ever younger audience, we need to create a change for all of us,' the petition states.
'We want to encourage as many schools, families, individuals and businesses not just in the UK butinternationally to look to buy, to eat and to enjoy more and more fresh produce and reject unhealthy and obesity-creating sugary drinks and unhealthy food.'
You can sign the petition here.