Pesticide reference guides published

The 2005 editions of The UK Pesticide Guide reference book and The e-UK Pesticide Guide, CD-ROM are now available.

These Guides provide farmers, their advisors, spray operators and others involved in the use of pesticides, with the most up-to-date information needed to make the correct choice of products for the forthcoming spraying season. This is increasingly important in the context of assurance schemes and the Voluntary Initiative.

Both publications include information on more than 1,150 pesticide products and about 120 adjuvants. In addition to the products notified by suppliers, and therefore confirmed by them as available, brief details of all other approved products are also included.

“As in previous editions, the entire contents has been revised and the latest products added,” said editor, Dick Whitehead. “For 2005, we have included the new environmental classifications under the Dangerous Preparations Directive, which became applicable to pesticides in July 2004. And to ensure that users of the Guides have access to the latest information all the year round, any important new developments, or new products, that are notified to the editor during the year will be shown on the dedicated website at

“The powerful search functionality of the CD-ROM makes it easy for the user to find products for a particular crop or pest either on-label or off-label. Other factors such as LERAP category, chemical type or supplier can be added to make the search even more detailed. Direct links to the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) website provide access to Specific Off-Label Recommendation (SOLA) sheets - particularly important for growers of minor crops, as an increasing number of products lose approval following the EU Review Programme. There are also embedded links to the Leatherhead Food International (LFI) on-line database of Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs). Finally a comprehensive selection of articles provides background information on legislation, resistance management and many other aspects of pesticide use, with numerous weblinks for those who research in greater depth.”

A free guided tour of The e-UK Pesticide Guide 2005 is available on-line at or a demonstration can be downloaded from the BCPC online Book Shop at

The UK Pesticide Guide 2005 costs £35 and The e-UK Pesticide Guide 2005 remains at £58.69 (inc. VAT) for a single use copy. Prices for network users are available on request.

To order The UK Pesticide Guides contact BCPC Publications Sales on +44 (0) 1420 593 200 or email: