Peruvians head for Fruit Logistica

The Peruvian Hass Avocado Producers’ Association (ProHass), which represents Peru’s expanding Hass Avocado industry, will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica again this year as part of the Peruvian Pavillion co-ordinated by PromPeru, the national export promotion association.

Peru is currently the world’s third largest avocado supplier, and expects exports to Europe to increase further this season as a result of increasing promotion.

Arturo Medina Castro, general manager of ProHass, said: “In a relatively short time, the Peruvian Hass avocado business has established a strong reputation for providing excellent quality avocados to the market. We look forward to developing those relationships further in 2011 by welcoming all stakeholders that have been involved in supplying our produce to the end consumer at our stand.’.

Brochures, digital catalogues and photos will be made available on the stand. PromPeru will also be showing a video demonstrating the modern nature of Peruvian agriculture, and there will be the opportunity to try typical Peruvian food and the national cocktail - Pisco Sour.