What has the past year been like in terms of your citrus production?
In terms of production it has been a good year for Peru; we have had an increase in volume close to 850,000 tonnes. The Valencia orange makes up around 35 per cent of that, followed by soft citrus (33 per cent) and acidic limes (27 per cent).
What are your hopes and predictions for this coming year?
We predict that next year will be fairly normal, with the possibility to once again increase production and exports. Last year we exported 89,245 tonnes, an increase of 14 per cent on the previous year.
What are the main challenges for Latin American lemon and lime production and exports at the moment?
The greatest challenge for Latin America is maintaining a good-quality product as weather changes often affect the quality of the fruit. In terms of the regulatory aspect, the maximum limits for residue levels can be a trade barrier as ‘private standards’ often aren’t based on scientific tests but revolve around commercial strategies, which causes a lot of problems on the production side.
One of the greatest challenges over the coming years will be for our countries to retain our high phytosanitary standards and avoid spreading diseases that are harmful to the production process.
Which are your key export markets? Are you breaking into any new markets?
Our main export markets are the UK (25 per cent), the Netherlands (24 per cent), United States (19 per cent) and Canada (12 per cent). The remaining volume is distributed to 26 different countries, including Russia, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Chile and Colombia. At the moment we are also working on gaining access to Japan, South Korea and Brazil.
Is there any varietal development in citrus being trialled at the moment?
There are new varieties being trialled around the world, but these are lengthy projects that will hopefully bear fruition in the medium to long term.
What have you got planned in terms of your marketing activities for the coming year?
We will be playing a key role at Fruit Logistica this year as official partner country, as well as participating at other international shows like PMA in the US, Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong, World Food Moscow and others. In the local market we will continue promoting the product to drive citrus consumption. Last but not least, the eighth International Citrus Seminar will take place in Lima in April. Expect valuable information on the Peruvian citrus market, new product development, and more.—