Peruvian asparagus runs short

The global asparagus market is experiencing a shortage of Peruvian product this summer as the South American country experiences some of its coldest weather of the last few decades, with temperatures in large parts of the country dropping to record lows.

Currently, production of the green variety is mainly affected although white asparagus volume is also down, according to industry representatives.

“Peru is experiencing its coldest weather in 30 years because of La Niña, and a state of emergency has been declared in 16 of the country’s 24 regions, where temperatures have fallen to below -24°C,” one major European importer told

The current crop shortage is tipped to persist until at least the middle of September, but given that weather conditions in Peru are only just improving, availability and quality forecasts for the rest of the year are unclear.

“Volume is very, very short - from what I am seeing right now on the market it’s down by 40-50 per cent," explained a local grower-exporter in Peru.

“But if temperatures return to normal, I'm sure Peru will be able to recover some of the lost volume during the rest of the year.”

Given that Peru is the largest supplier of asparagus at this time of year, prices have doubled on the European market in response to the dramatic decline in sendings.