Peruvian Minneola from Agrexco is back in the UK and due to continue until the end of next month.

“We have seen a huge increase in demand this year, not only here in the UK but all over Europe,” said Rob Cullum, product manager for Agrexco UK. The minneola, marketed under the Carmel brand, has a short but intense season. This year Carmel has an increase of 130 per cent year-on-year, with 30 per cent of the crop due for the UK market.

“The climate in Peru is perfect for citrus,” said Cullum. “Growers have realised the potential and have responded with additional plantings to satisfy and fulfil demand. Working closely with our own citrus experts, we are trialling several varieties of citrus including grapefruit and easy peelers such as Pixie.”

Agrexco has just finished its satsuma season from the Andean country, marketing Okitsu and Owari. “We have just ended a very successful season,” he said.