Persimmon sales soar for Spanish

Spanish Persimmon sales are on course for a record year thanks to a targeted marketing campaign, which has boosted the fruit’s profile this season.

Anecoop exports 60 per cent of the Spanish persimmon crop and works through its import arm Fesa in the UK. Growers have seen “encouraging” sales growth so far this season, as consumers become more adventurous.

This trend has been encouraged by a high-profile campaign from Foods from Spain in conjunction with Morrisons, which saw tasting sessions across 38 stores in the first week of November, and contributed to a dramatic rise in sales, according to the retailer.

Anthony Forbes, trading manager for Morrisons produce, said: “Customers can sometimes be a little wary of purchasing something, especially that’s quite unusual, before trying it or even knowing how to eat it. As Persimmon is distinctive, customers really enjoyed the opportunity to try the fruit and gain some information about them. The in store demonstrations were very well received and we saw sales increase by approximately 500 per cent throughout those stores where the sampling occurred.”

Due to new ripening techniques to remove the astringency, the stone-free fruit can be eaten when firm like an apple, or when fully ripe and more soft, the peach-like flesh can be eaten with a small spoon.

Tim Tunnard from Fesa said: “The season looks set to continue until mid-December, so sales are on course for a record year.

“Shoppers have realised what this high-fibre and high-vitamin fruit can deliver in terms of taste and health benefits including reducing cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and protecting against heart disease.”

Morrisons will continue the promotion of persimmon in the run up to Christmas and is currently offering its customers two fruit for £2.