The UK's Pesticides Safety Directorate notified the Fresh Produce Consortium last week that fresh red bell sweet peppers from Egypt containing Methamidophos of 0.37 mg/kg were found in the UK. The recommended level of maximum residue level for Methamidophos, if any is 0.01 mg/kg.
The samples were exported by Technogreen Co of Cairo.
The directorate warned that its assessment indicated that the acute reference dose was exceeded for toddlers. 'The level of residues found in the above sample could cause a mild stomach upset in consumers who ate a large portion of peppers,' said the PSD in a statement.
Meanwhile, the French authorities notified the FPC that green peppers from Turkey containing Methamidophos of 0.08 mg/kg were exported by Okumus Ltd. Samples of green peppers from Turkey exported by Meypa contained 0.11 mg/kg of Methamidophos and 0.15 mg/kg of Cyprodonil.
As the levels found exceed the maximum residue limit for Methamidophos and Cyprodinil peppers containing higher levels than the MRL of 0.01 mg/kg and 0.00 respectively, the product should not go on sale in the UK.
The FPC commented: 'Importers should check carefully with their suppliers to ensure that all their pesticide usage for peppers is in conformity with EU Regulations.' This is the second pesticides alert issued by the FPC in two weeks. The consortium warned of pesticide residues exceeding MRLs in Italian pears imported into the Netherlands on January 11.