The price of peppers has spiked by over 70 per cent this week following the transition from Dutch supply to Spain and strong demand.
Yellow capsicums from Spain were up by 76 per cent on UK wholesale markets this week, while traffic light packs rose by 25 per cent, according to FPJ’s Fresh Market Prices.
Dutch red capsicums were up by 55 per cent on the markets, with yellows close behind at 30 per cent.
Rafael Roldán of leading Almerían pepper producer Ejidomar said prices at the end of the Dutch season were low, in contrast to high prices for new-season Spanish crop.
“The main reason for the rise is that the Dutch season is coming to an end and prices at the tail-end of their season have been low,” he said. “Demand is picking up now that the Spanish season is underway so prices are returning to normal levels for this time of year.”