The container is inexpensive, re-usable and designed to transport and protect ripe-and-ready-to-eat fruit. It is made from recyclable mid-weight plastic and allows the fruit to breathe.
The innovative pack is aimed at the lunch-box and briefcase market and has taken a year-and-a-half to come to fruition.
Pear Bureau president and chief executive Kevin Moffitt explained: 'I believed the likelihood of damage was limiting pears to an in-home fruit, and an idea for some kind of pear protector began to take form.' He added: 'The innovative packaging will also help children and adults consume their 5-a-day of fresh fruit and vegetables. I am very excited to see the Pear Packer available to the public.' The bureau is developing programmes to distribute its Pear Packers through a variety of retail promotions and in school catering promotions.
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