In an increasingly competitive market, major retailers are asking much more of their supply base than they did in the early part of the decade. Retailers are looking for suppliers with strategic orientation, innovation and for those who offer key customers a degree of exclusivity and understanding of consumer trends and demands.
Together with different seed companies, growers, traders and retailers Eosta BV is building supply chains all the way from seed to fresh produce at consumer level. By forging close links with seed houses it is possible to deal with many different aspects such as food safety, traceability and product availability.
Two main principles on which variety selection is based are:
• To match market requirements with our growers capacity.
• To innovate and not imitate what conventional market is doing.
This way of co-operation fits well with the ideas of seed company Rijk Zwaan. To be able to match the best variety with the right market it believes in linking-up projects.
Tomato Vienna RZ is an example of intensive co-operation throughout the chain. It is a variety that offers a good aroma and flavour, combining plant vitality with excellent fruit quality. It is a variety that is also well accepted by organic growers as it gives good returns.
Eosta works directly with farmers, thereby shortening the distribution chain. The company provides its growers with technical support in different areas such as soil management and compost, cultivation techniques and variety selection. The best growing conditions for each variety do vary. Some varieties will not perform well in certain regions or areas. For example, soil types and climates are different in each region. However, as a marketing company it is well aware that each market has different requirements regarding the size and the taste of the same product.
Eosta BV is involved in the entire chain of cultivation, prepacking, distribution and marketing of organic fruits and greenhouse products.
Rijk Zwaan provides seeds and services for all partners in the chain. Crop guidance and crop registration are available to help growers find the right way to grow different varieties. Via the internet growers can log on to Cropsonline to see their performance. Point-of-sale checks deliver information on the performance of Rijk Zwaan varieties on the shelves. A team of chain managers is active in linking the different partners in the chain and building (international) projects. For partners who want top quality products all through the year (four-seasons concepts) Rijk Zwaan develops varieties for different growing areas.