Leading fresh prepared-veg expert Parripak Foods has hosted its first conference on satisfying and exceeding the standards expected by major retailers.

More than 50 growers and suppliers attended the seminar in Bedfordshire to discuss challenges and opportunities in supplying the prepared sector, including improving value, quality and levels of service.

Discussion particularly focussed on reaching new standards in raw material supply to ensure the highest levels of product safety and integrity.

Growing techniques, good agricultural practice, foreign body issues and hygiene standards also came under the spotlight.

Parripak said that with legislation and codes of practice affecting food standards, it is looking to make the seminar an annual event.

James Parrish, Parripak’s joint md, said: “As part of our own continuous development we need to share with our suppliers our plans to take the business forward. It is also important that they understand the pressures we are under through changing legislation, retailer protocols etc, and vice versa, because as we grow, so will they.”