Ian Palmer

Ian Palmer

Pipfruit NZ chairman Ian Palmer has expressed confidence in the accuracy of his country’s crop estimate for 2007.

Pipfruit New Zealand has released an apple export crop forecast of 16.6 million TCE, an 11 per cent increase on last year although still lower than volumes in 2004 and 2005.

“Some may be sceptical of these figures, although they only have to look at the accuracy of the previous three estimates, which have only varied by two, three and four per cent respectively,” said Palmer. “This is a very consistent determination of the actual crop and I have confidence in the result.”

A predicted eight per cent increase in Southern Hemisphere exports into the EU is vital knowledge for growers in advance of the season, continued Palmer.

“The market now knows what to expect, so there is no need for any weak selling or instability in the markets. There is clearly no room in the EU for fruit without a customer,” he warned. “While the market has stabilised from the horrors of two seasons ago, it is still delicately balanced.”

Mr Palmer urged New Zealand’s growers to take a disciplined approach in order to maintain the country’s credibility as supplier.