Marshall Bros (Butterwick) Ltd has started to harvest Pak Choi from its production sites in the Fens this week: over a month earlier than usual.
The vegetable supplier explained that the early start for the UK season is due to "unique growing methods" that the company is using which have extended the season by more than two months. "We have managed to extend the season dramatically from March to November,' said the company's James Marshall. "May would usually be the start of the season and it would end with first frosts in September or October."
Production conditions have also been kind to the product. "Last year we had very good growing conditions with a warm summer and mild winter," said Marshall.
The production cycle for the crop is eight to 10 weeks in the spring and autumn and six weeks in the summer.
This is the third year that the company has grown Pak Choi in the UK and thanks to production from its sister company Agromark in Murcia, Spain, it is able to supply year round for Marks & Spencer. "We supply the product as a whole-head pack but can also offer fully prepared," explained Marshall.
The product is a natural complement to Marshall Bros' core range. "Pak Choi is part of the brassica family so it falls quite nicely under our category of vegetables," said Marshall. "The popularity of this type of product is growing rapidly as people look for something a little different. It is up to us to continue to invest and research new varieties and products to stimulate the customer in the vegetable category."