DEFRA secretary HIlary Benn spoke at this year's conference

DEFRA secretary HIlary Benn spoke at this year's conference

The Oxford Farming Conference (OFC) is inviting applications for three new directors to join the nine-strong team from January 2011 for a three-year term.

The council is voluntary and is made up of a group of people who are committed and active within the agricultural industry. The director’s role is to work with the rest of the team to deliver the conference programme, speakers and the charitable works undertaken by the OFC. The team is supported by a professional secretariat, marketing consultancy and a treasurer.

Christine Tacon, OFC chairman for 2011, said: “We need directors who have passion and a breadth of experience in the agri-food or land management sectors; we also look for individuals who have an extensive network of contacts both in the business and agricultural community in the UK and further afield.

“The positions are wholly honorary but reasonable expenses are reimbursed and attendance at the conference is offered free of charge. Our applicant selection is based on trying to get a balanced team in terms of skills and network, and we often suggest that applicants apply in another year if their particular skills are already represented on the council. Directors retiring this year will be Will Gemmill, Jane King and me.”

The OFC takes place early in January every year and is widely believed to set the agenda for the year ahead for the farming business. Speakers are of the highest calibre, and include leaders from the agricultural industry worldwide, the heads of international food retail businesses, national and international politicians, successful young farmers, and scientists at the forefront of their field.

The OFC is particularly interested in individuals who have a track record of successful innovation in agriculture or horticulture, experience of developing agricultural policies and strategy, highly effective communication, networking and PR skills and creative ideas and concepts for the future development of the OFC.

Those selected as members will be invited to attend two council meetings in November and December 2010, prior to their formal appointment, and will then be expected to attend six to eight council meetings per year and the conference itself for their three-year term.

Anyone interested in applying can download an application form from the OFC website. Applications close on 4 June.
