Two sets of government guidelines for overnight deliveries published this week will improve out-of-hours delivery arrangements for retailers - and allow industry to be a ‘good neighbour’, according to The Freight Transport Association (FTA).

The FTA has worked with the Department for Transport and the Cabinet Office over the last 18 months to formulate overnight delivery advice for both local authorities ad retailers.

More than 40 per cent of UK supermarkets are subject to curfews, usually between 10pm and 7pm, which restrict overnight deliveries, according to the FTA,

But the FTA said night deliveries had become increasingly important as a result of growing congestion on roads during daytime hours and the need to improve performance and reduce costs.

FTA deputy chief executive James Hookham said: “People are always asking our industry why it is that more goods cannot be moved during the night. The large number of night lorry bans in place is the principal reason. We believe that an open-minded approach to the new advice will benefit everybody.

“We are not looking for a total abolition of these restrictions, which we recognise is neither practical nor desirable bearing in mind the need for industry to be a ‘good neighbour’ to the local community and the general public. However, attitudes have changed and we feel there is a positive case for greater flexibility in delivery times.

“Many of the current restrictions have been in place for 20 years or more. During that same period, all technology has moved on, including engineering standards for lorries - quieter vehicles, fewer emissions, smoother suspensions and much more. At the same time, changing customer and commercial needs in the 21st century require more flexibility.”

Delivering the Goods: Guidance on Delivery Restrictions, which outlines existing regulations, and Delivering the Goods: A Toolkit for Improving Night-time Deliveries, a handbook for retailers, are available on the FTA website: