After around 400 comment pieces in FPJ, I find myself writing my last one.
From next week, my face and name will be replaced at the head and foot of this column by those of Laura Gould, who takes over the reins as editor.
All misty eyed, I had a look back at my first ever missive to the trade as editor, on June 5, 1998, and lo and behold, it would appear not that much has changed.
“Price structures over the last 10 years do not offer much hope that additional costs can be covered by greater returns - and the larger customers are unlikely to let their grip loosen,” I wrote. Not so much visionary as a statement of the bleeding obvious, you may say. But sadly, I could depart with precisely the same words and no-one would disagree too vehemently.
It has been an absolute privilege to sit in my position in two spells over the last decade, and I thank you all for indulging me and reading my considered opinions, structured commentaries, random cultural references and at times, let’s be honest, unfettered rantings about this great industry.
I’m not leaving Lockwood Press, but now is the time for a fresh face at the helm of FPJ. In Laura, you will, I’m sure, continue to get all of the above, and I am extremely happy to hand over to such a tuned-in and hard-working successor.
See you around.