Plant scientists have announced plans to further expand its programme of organic crop trials.

NIAB, Britain’s leading plant science company, is responding to the growing consumer demand for organic crops by expanding its work with the Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA) to include sweetcorn, turnips and beetroot.

The new trials will run alongside the NIAB and HDRA work on potatoes, carrots, lettuces, cabbages, Brussels sprouts and onions.

Cambridge-based NIAB has also introduced panels of taste testers to evaluate varieties because taste is a key factor influencing consumers choosing to buy organic food rather than conventionally-produced fresh produce.

The Defra-funded trials help growers select the most appropriate varieties for their organic farming system, taking into account soil types, location and the final market.

Growers can get more detailed information on organic vegetable varieties from the NIAB Organic Vegetable Handbook. Further details of the trials can be found on