A vegetable farmer has been named Producer of the Year in the Soil Assocation’s 2004 Organic Food Awards.

Andrew Dennis of Woodlands Farm, at Kirton, was given the title in recognition of his care for the environment and work in promoting local and organic production.

The awards, now in their eighteenth year, recognise excellence throughout the organic food industry, from individual products to local food initiatives, restaurants and farmers.

Winner of the best organic box scheme award last year, Woodlands Farm has gone one better in 2004 to win the Producer of the Year. The farm's cauliflowers have also come out top this year in three of the Awards' fresh produce categories.

"This is a really wonderful award to win," said Andrew Dennis. "To be singled out from an extremely strong field of contenders is a tremendous achievement for the Woodlands Farm team.

"Our philosophy of looking after the farm, both now and for future generations and producing good quality affordable organic produce is simple and straightforward. We want to invest in local food and local people and the growth of our box scheme and the different enterprises on the farm is proof that we're achieving this.”

The judges' comments are testament to the hard work that Andrew and the Woodlands Farm staff put into the business since the decision to go organic in 1996:

The judges said: “In what is one of the most intensively farmed areas of the country, Woodlands Farm shows that a sustainable organic approach can really work - protecting the environment, providing food for local people and making a real contribution to the local economy through jobs.”

Jack Ward, the NFU's regional director, added his congratulations to those of the judges: "Local food businesses like Woodlands Farm are increasingly important to the local rural economy. The thriving and growing organic box scheme and Andrew's commitment to Woodlands Farm as a sustainable and profitable business are an excellent example of our professional and forward-thinking farming industry."