Organic vegetable farmers will have an opportunity to share their experiences of pest, disease and weed management during an HDRA open day at a Herefordshire farm.

The Innovations in Organic Pest, Disease & Weed Management open day will be held at The Leen, Pembridge, Herefordshire, on September 5, from 10am to 4pm. Growers will be able to join discussion groups on pests, weeds and diseases with researchers from HDRA, the national charity for organic growing, and Warwick HRI.

They will also have an opportunity to find out the latest findings of various research projects, as well as contribute their own thoughts and ideas. HDRA’s Defra-funded Organic Weed Management and Sustainable Organic Vegetable Systems Network projects will be amongst those discussed. For further information on these projects visit and

Growers will also be able to join in a walk around The Leen, which is a mixed farm growing organic vegetables to a high standard. They will have a chance to see the farm’s weeding equipment, vegetable varieties and plants to attract beneficial insects during this walk. The Leen is part of the Sustainable Organic Vegetable Systems Network.

The workshop will cost £15 per person, including lunch. Places are limited so need to be booked in advance. For further information and to book contact Anton Rosenfeld on 02476 303517 or