The British Onion Producers’ Association (Bopa) is trying to turn a poor start to the season around declaring there are opportunities for UK growers.
“Although there appears to be an abundance of onions this season the balance of supply and demand could address itself as the season progresses,” said Bopa chairman Bill Rix.
“There has been a considerable increase in unmarketable yield due to non-harvesting, oversize, poor quality and the processing industry requiring larger sizes.
“Also the volume of imported onions is at a five-year low and while prices are depressed, ita gives all in the industry a marketing opportunity to regain volumes lost to overseas markets and a platform to build on for the future.”
The total brown onion crop is calculated by Bopa at 440,000t compared to 355,000t in 2003 and 407,000t in 2002. Red onion production is growing year on year and this season has reached 50,000t up from 41,000t last year and 35,000t in 2002. Rix forecasts that a rise in tonnage is required to fulfil the year-on-year consumer increase demand for red onions.