Online revamp for Chilean industry

Expordata Full Cargo, the only official online figures on the Chilean fruit industry provided by the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association (Asoex), has announced a redesign and new image for its website.

This information tool, provided by Santiago-based inspection and consultancy service Decofrut, covers all Chilean fruit statistics for all markets. The system is now even easier and more effective to use under the redesigned format. The new image celebrates Decofrut’s 20 years in business.

Launched in 1997, Expordata Full Cargo provides data on Chilean fresh fruit exports from 2001-02 to the present day. The information can be displayed by season, week, product, variety, origin or destination port, country, tonnes or boxes, importer, exporter, etc.

The new online system also has a template feature that allows the user to customise the information shown and to download it in Excel spreadsheet format. This helps the user manipulate and work with the data, graph it and handle it more easily.

Manuel Jose Alcaino, president of Decofrut, said: “The global economy is facing difficult times and importers as well as distributors of Chilean fresh fruit need to have access to first-hand information to better run their businesses and address their logistics and transport needs. Expordata Full Cargo provides critical and reliable market information regarding what fresh fruit has been shipped and when, allowing companies to plan their strategy in advance.”

Expordata Full Cargo is updated daily, whenever a land, air or sea departure takes place. The information is updated each time a vessel departs and is communicated live to the user immediately.

Geoff Green of Capespan in Belgium said: “We use it all the time - it is an extremely valuable tool providing the latest available shipping information in a sophisticated format. It’s a very good platform that allows us to keep track of fruit shipments. In fact, I usually download the information in order to analyse it better.”

Raquel Hernandez of A Gomez Ltd in the UK said: “The system is user-friendly and easy to navigate, providing updated and timely information on Chilean fresh fruit shipments coming to Europe. The information database has an incredible amount of data benefiting European handlers and this tool helps us to provide our management and decision-makers with timely and accurate information on the Chilean produce market.”

Raffaele Spreafico of Italy’s Spreafico Francesco e F.lli SPA is a new Expordata customer. “So far, it has worked very smoothly,” he said. “I actually receive email notification of new shipments, which is very interesting and helps me make key decisions.”