A free online version of the UK Trade Tariff (volume two) has been launched by businesslink.gov.uk, making it easier for companies to trade internationally.
The site will provide access to the 64,000 commodity codes that cover every product imported and exported from the UK, as well as guidance on how to import, export and trade within the European Union.
“It’s all about simplifying how to access the information,” Businesslink’s John Davey told FPJ. “There’s a lot of complexities of regulations, it’s important to know what to do and when to do it. Lots of businesses just go ahead without fully knowing the implications.”
The site brings together previously fragmented and disjointed information from government and trade associations into easy-to-understand guides.
“Having the one place for businesses to check commodity codes and read plain-English guides on how to import and export goods is a major break-through for international traders,” said Nigel Jenney, ceo of the Fresh Produce Consortium
As from July, companies will be able to request email alerts so that they can be updated when anything changes within the UK Trade Tariff that they have registered an interest in.