Onions go veggie

Rustler Producer has teamed up with label suppliers Leading Edge and vegeterian brand Quorn for a special offer.

Leading Edge has created special peel and re-seal wineglass shaped labels for Rustler on its Sainsbury’s large onions.

Consumers are being offered a 40p money off coupon on any Quorn purchase at Sainsbury’s, while the peelable label also contains information on Quorn’s low fat alternative to meat.

Sam Trebbick, from Rustler Produce, said: “The branded link with Quorn offers the opportunity to add value to this line without cost to us.”

Russell Crowe, Sainsbury’s buyer, said: “This creates increased interest at the shelf edge, plus additional instore theatre for the category. We anticipate this brand-link promotion will further assist driving sales of large onions in Sainsbury’s.”