Ron Parker Tesco

Ron Parker

One of the most influential characters in the UK fresh produce industry in the 1970s and 1980s has passed away.

Ron Parker died at the age of 87 on 22 February (Monday) after a long illness.

Parker was responsible for Tesco's fruit operation as the volumes and choice grew in an increasing number of stores.

At the same time, he was a member of the board of the Produce Packaging and Marketing Association, the trade organisation which brought closer contact between multiples and both large UK growers, their co-operatives and associations.

He was also a liveryman in the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers.

On retirement, his industry role became even stronger, taking on the chairmanship for many years of the voluntary-funded Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Information Bureau, which had launched the 5 A DAY campaign.