Ocado says it is in the process of broadening its quality specifications in order to sell more misshapen fruit and vegetables.

In a bid to lower its food waste, the online retailer is following in the footsteps of the likes of Morrisons and Sainsbury's, which both lowered specifications following last year's wet weather and the subsequent damage to the appearance of UK fruit and veg.

'We know it's taste and quality that count, so as long as we can keep these at a high standard, we'll happily accept more 'nobbly ones',' said co-founder Jason Gissing.

Ocado claims it has the lowest food wastage of any retailer in the world, at 0.3 per cent of sales, and says a change in specifications is driven by waste rather than weather.

The retailer attributes its low waste levels to the efficiency of operating online and not having customers handling produce in shops and has confirmed that it is trialling anaerobic digestion to reduce waste.
