NZ agriculture minister Jim Sutton has announced that a strategic plan is needed urgently to benefit the organics sector and government is prepared to pay.
Sutton said that NZ$80,000 (£23,000) would be available over two years to pay for the plan. This is in addition to NZ$250million allocated earlier in 2001to develop a national minimum standard for organic products and the small-scale organic producers' scheme.
Organic agriculture has spiralled in New Zealand from an estimated value for total production of NZ$1.1m in 1991 to NZ$70m just for exports 10 years later. This is still less than one per cent of total agricultural and horticultural exports from New Zealand.
But growth is predicted to continue for some years. The plan will focus on: 'the needs for training and development of organic advisers, the understanding of on-farm economics, and a co-ordinated research, science, and technology strategy,' said Sutton. 'S