The latest statistics for 2001 have been published by HortResearch in the annual volume New Zealand Horticultural Facts and Figures. They show that export returns increased in value over those in 2000 across all sectors for fruit and vegetables except fresh apples. Apple export revenues fell by 16 per cent reflecting a drop in production during the season.
Kiwifruit represented 30 per cent of horticultural exports in value terms followed by apples on 17 per cent. Total fruit exports were worth NZ$1.017bn in 2001 with apples accounting for NZ$339m and kiwifruit for NZ$585.2m.
The UK was the biggest single market for NZ apples in 2001 worth NZ$80m with onions worth NZ$23m and kiwifruit NZ$20m.
Organic production is continuing to increase, but only about three per cent of all horticultural exports are grown organically with kiwifuit and top fruit key players in New Zealand's organic portfolio.
The booklet was compiled by Martech Consulting for HortResearch.