Figures just released show that New Zealand horticultural exports have continued to grow year on year for more than 30 consecutive years.
Growth rates for the 12 months to June 2006 are running at 2.4 per cent and have delighted the sector. “It is certainly very encouraging,” said Roger Bourne of HortResearch New Zealand, which prepared the statistics in its Fresh Facts report. “I think that is the most telling thing - that we are continuing on a growth trend. It is great to see growing diversity of product and markets.”
He said that a strong kiwi dollar and debate over food miles have not had an adverse effect on “international enthusiasm for New Zealand produce”.
Horticulture exports grew by nearly NZ$60 million (£22.8m) in the period, with fruit, vegetables, flowers and wine helping earn a total of $2.36bn (FOB).