The New Zealand apple crop in 2005 is forecast to be down some 11.2 per cent on last year’s bumper harvest. NZ representative body Pipfruit New Zealand is forecasting an 18.55 million carton crop compared to last season’s record 21m cartons.
Hail struck all the major growing areas over four days in December and losses in Hawkes Bay the main production region have reached about 500,000 cartons. Nelson has lost about 250,000 cartons and Wairarapa and Waikato 50,000-70,000 cartons. Damage reported in Gisborne and Central Otago is minimal, said PNZ chairman Ian Palmer.
Losses are estimated to be some five per cent of total export volumes which in value terms represents NZ$30 million in export earnings.
“Within regions there are some growers who have suffered major individuial losses with some crops completely destroyed,” said Palmer. “Considering the widespread incidence of the hail this season, we have got off pretty lightly. Every year the industry loses some of its potential export crop to hail and frost damage and this year is no exception.
A more accurate update is expected at the PNZ annual conference to be held in Nelson at the end of the month.
Meanwhile, the biennial nature of some varieties and excellent early thinning have also contributed to a lighter crop, Palmer said.