The British Carrot Growers’ Association (BCGA) will hold its Carrot Variety Demonstration and Trade Exhibition on October 1 in Nottinghamshire.

The 2009 BCGA demonstration site has 44 carrot varieties provided by six seed companies: Elsoms Seeds, Nickerson-Zwaan, Clause Tezier, Seminis, Nunhems and Rijk Zwaan. The varieties were drilled on April 30.

The seedling emergence and plant establishment on all variety plots is excellent, due to sufficient warmth and rainfall this spring. Subsequent growth was slow until July, when showery conditions combined with normal temperatures encouraged more rapid growth of carrots.

Many companies will be present at the variety demonstration day and all that have a commercial interest in carrot production are invited.

The event will start at 10am and finish at 5pm, at Priors Park Farm Ltd’s Normanton Larches Farm, in Worksop.
