A congress of UK growers convened in Egypt for a post-season review last month.
The Summerfruit Company, part of Redbridge Worldfresh Limited, held its post-season growers’ review in Cairo, Egypt. The event was attended by over 40 growers and support staff from the UK.
The tour to Egypt, which took place on 7-10 Nov, involved a farm visit along the Nile Delta, designed to provide UK growers with an appreciation of the Egyptian growing techniques and how the farms cope with the challenges presented.
Richard Parke-Davies, managing director of The Summerfruit Company, said: “Cairo was selected as this year’s venue to mark our significant achievements in Egypt, in particular with [our] exclusive Redeva strawberry varieties.
“In excess of 60 per cent of the volumes we now import from Egypt are Redeva varieties. This amounts to a staggering 300 fedans (approximately 320 acres) worth of advanced Redeva material being grown in Egypt this coming season - an impressive feat given the timescales involved.
“The Suzana variety has been performing particularly well over a number of years. The yield suits the grower and the organoleptic attributes suit the consumer. Additionally, our Red Merlin and Red Delight varieties are already producing fruit in Egypt and both show great promise,” he said.
The tour to Egypt involved a farm visit along the Nile Delta designed to provide the UK growers with an appreciation of the Egyptian growing techniques and how the farms cope with the challenges presented.
“Strawberries benefit from the Nile’s irrigation system, which timelessly nurtures the Egyptian soil. The soil composition was the envy of many of the UK growers,” said Parke-Davies.