The smoking ban which came into force in England yesterday applies to any vehicle used for work, including lorries and vans, and there is no exemption for heavy goods vehicles with a sleeper cab.

Signs will have to be displayed not only in operating premises, but inside vehicles. The Freight Transport Association, which has members operating over 200,000 lorries in membership, has produced a Smoking Compliance Guide for members, available at

In England, Northern Ireland and Wales the ban applies to any vehicle used for work, regardless of whether it is a heavy goods vehicle, a delivery van, a company car or farming vehicle, and includes a driver using a sleeper cab on a night out. This is designed to protect shift and other workers who use the same vehicle from the health risks associated with second-hand smoke and provides consistency with other non-mobile work places.

Shopfta now has smoking policy employee cards, explaining the legislation, available for £0.50 + VAT and double-sided 'No Smoking' stickers for £1.00 + VAT

FTA's Member Advice Centre can answer specific queries on aspects of the ban relating to both premises and vehicles on 0870 605 0000.