Nispero begins push

Growers in south-eastern Spain have began picking the nispero crop as Foods From Spain gears up for a second concerted promotional push with the UK multiples.

The campaign, Say Hello to the Nispero will run nationwide in Waitrose and Asda stores as exporters hope to establish the fruit in the UK mass market. It will be supported by in-store sampling, on-pack promotions, explanatory leaflets at point of sale, an on-pack holiday competition, free T-shirts and fridge magnets.

Last year's crop went down so well in the UK that stores had trouble keeping stocked. This season volumes imported are therefore likely to be considerably higher during the fruit's six-week season which runs from the last week of April until the beginning of June.

"This is the second year of a three-year campaign to promote nisperos," said FFS director Maria José Sevilla. "We know nispero appeals to UK consumers' needs to try new fruits, and once they try them they want more."

The nisperos are being marketed in punnets of six fruits, which feature explanatory leaflets and even recipes, although the main thrust of the promotion is to get shoppers to try the fruit in its fresh state.
