Simon Montgomery

Simon Montgomery

Nickerson Direct has appointed Simon Montgomery as a seed specialist to strengthen its advisory team in the south west.

Montgomery will advise farmers throughout Devon and Cornwall on the seed firm's range, which includes cereal seeds, Circle Ley grass mixtures, oilseeds, LG maize, pulses and potatoes, together with a number of complimentary products. Montgomery is trained in all aspects of agriculture and seed production.

Montgomery said: "Farming profitably in any sector of the industry increasingly demands the very best inputs to achieve high outputs and farmers who consistently achieve good results recognise the value of investing in quality seeds."

Montgomery farmed in Zimbabwe, where he produced 2,000 acres of grass, 2,000 acres of maize and 300 acres of soybeans, together with pulses, paprika and groundnuts until 1994.

Since then, he has worked for R&T Liming testing soil and DEFRA.