The National Farmers Union has said it will continue to make representations at all levels to protect the interests of UK farmers following the agreement on trade at the WTO summit in Hong Kong.
The details of the WTO agreement have yet to be finalised but ministers have committed to filling in the blanks by July 2006. The aim is for all countries to complete full modalities (such as finalising bands and percentage reductions on specific items) on both agricultural and non-agricultural market access by the end of April next year. Ministers have also committed to completing national comprehensive schedules by the end of July, which will outline when and how these changes will be implemented and on which trade commodities.
The NFU believes this timeframe is extremely optimistic but will pursue its objectives to ensure a fair outcome for all British farmers, particularly in the designation of sensitive products.
NFU President Tim Bennett said: “We will continue to defend vigorously the interests of our members at this crucial stage of negotiations. The broad-brush agreement in Hong Kong is just the beginning of a much more detailed process in which we plan to take a full role.
“The issue of the designation of sensitive products will be of great interest to many of our members, and it is understandable that they will be looking to the NFU for guidance at this time. The crucial period on this issue will follow the completion of the modalities papers which will indicate the percentage of tariff lines that the UK will be allowed to designate as sensitive.”