European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso’s proposal for a chief scientific adviser has been warmly welcomed by grower groups in Europe.
He gave the commitment at a speech to newly elected members of the European Parliament who were giving their approval to the renewal of his presidency. Barroso said: “We…need a fundamental review of the way European institutions access and use scientific advice. In the next Commission, I want to set up a chief scientific adviser who has the power to deliver proactive, scientific advice throughout all stages of policy development and delivery. This will reflect the central importance I attach to research and innovation.”
The National Farmers’ Union backed the president’s statement as means to ensure Europe can meet the challenges of food security and climate change. Peter Kendall, NFU president said: “It is essential that the legislation that emanates from the EU is firmly rooted in scientific evidence and not subject to the vagaries of politics.
"We have seen prime examples of decision-making not being evidence-based in the pesticide authorisations regulation and the approvals process for genetically modified organisms. The NFU is fully behind this suggestion by Barroso and his desire, demonstrated by his intention to create this position, to see science embedded in all stages of policy development and delivery.”