NFU welcomes National School Fruit Scheme expansion

The NFU has said that more growers across England will have the chance to supply fresh fruit and vegetables to schools under the National School Fruit Scheme.

Interested growers from each region are encouraged to put forward their tenders to supply apples, pears, cherry tomatoes or carrots.

Michael Holmes, NFU spokesman for 5-a-day and public procurement, said: “These contracts are a crucial source of income, and mean a great deal to the industry. It is a great opportunity for local growers to supply their region’s schools, and has been a very successful scheme in participating regions in previous years.

“We welcome the news that it is now to be rolled out to all regions across England, and that even more children can enjoy the taste of home-grown fresh fruit and vegetables.”

Applications to tender for the regional supply contracts must be received by March 31.
