The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has said it is looking forward to working with Dacian Cioloş, the proposed new EU agriculture commissioner.

NFU acting director general Martin Haworth said in a statement: “The agriculture portfolio is just one in a number of EU policy areas that directly impacts the lives and businesses of our members on a daily basis.

“Mr Cioloş will pick up the five-year mandate at a crucial time for our farming and growing members, with major decisions soon to be made on the future structure of the Common Agriculture Policy and the EU budget.

“For the NFU in Brussels and at home it is vital to engage with all Directorates General, from trade, consumer safety, the environment and, of course, agriculture.”

Cioloş was one of very few commissioner candidates with agricultural experience, something which could become vital when looking at the future of the Common Agricultural Policy debate.

As with the rest of the new commissioner team, Cioloş will face scrutiny at a hearing in the European Parliament before he is officially approved as agriculture commissioner for the next five years.

European Parliament hearings for proposed commissioners are scheduled to take place from January 11, 2010.
