The NFU is putting pressure on government to aid an increase in horticultural production through local development.
The union has expressed concern that the National Planning Framework does not currently recognise food production as a priority.
Horticulture and potatoes board chair Sarah Pettitt called on legislators to ensure a “joined up planning system” is implemented as government looks to shift more power to a local level.
She told delegates at a breakout session at the NFU conference this week: “We need a planning system that says yes to production rather than no. It can lead to extremely emotive responses from the public. We need a planning regime that recognises the importance of fruit and vegetable production.”
NFU president Peter Kendall addressed DEFRA secretary Caroline Spelman on the issue in his keynote speech to the conference.
He said: “Increasing domestic food production won’t happen without development at a local level. Most of that will need local planning consent. And that’ something we worry about. A narrow, localist agenda could put the brakes on the growth we need - state of the art polytunnels, critical to the success of our soft-fruit industry; high output glasshouses for veg… That’s why it’s absolutely critical the government has food production as one of its strategic priorities in the new National Planning Framework…. Secretary of state we really need your support.”