The sixth NFU Food and Farming show is on the road, launched at the School Farm Fair in Suffolk on April 28. The Roadshow plays an important role for the NFU’s goal of raising children’s awareness of the relationship between food, farming and the countryside.

The roadshow is sponsored by Tesco and will visit 150 sites throughout the summer such as agricultural shows, Tesco stores, farmers’ markets and towns. “Tesco is proud to once again be sponsoring the food and farming roadshow as part of our on-going commitment,” said Tesco group corporate affairs director, Lucy Neville-Rolf. “The roadshow is a great opportunity for us to work with the NFU to promote British food to our customers and teach children more about where their food comes from.”

The roadshow also provides an opportunity for the NFU to market the Little Red Tractor food logo, launched in January to consumers across the nation, and children visiting the show will receive Red Tractor goody bags.

For an itinerary for the roadshow visit
