NFU Countryside has launched a consumer campaign to support local food producers put local produce on weekly shopping lists across the UK.
Shoppers will be encouraged to buy from local farmers' markets, farm shops, pick-your-own schemes and home deliveries.
They will also be invited to visit the NFU Countryside website - - for further information on how to support local producers and where to find them, and to sign an online petition.
Mark Howard, NFU Countryside spokesperson, said: “Consumers can improve their diet and nutrition by eating great tasting fresh and seasonal food, as well as getting plenty of choice and variety and an alternative to the supermarkets. By talking to actual food producers, they can find out more about the production and origin of their food.”
Buying local provides producers with an income that is not tied to supermarkets and supports farmers and farm diversification, as well as contributing to local economic development and boosting employment, according to the NFU Countryside.
Shoppers can call 0870 840 2030, email visit their local NFU Mutual Group Office to pick up a pack
NFU Countryside is also urging local producers to obtain campaign material to distribute within their local communities.
Howard said: “NFU Countryside actively supports the countryside community and that is why we have launched the Support your local food producers! campaign. We would like to see all consumers supporting their local producers, their local economy and their community.
“We are encouraging consumers to show their support for this campaign by making the pledge to Support local food producers! and trying local.”